Distance to a park
I have seen cities spend millions of dollars creating inclusive parks that did not meet this definition of inclusivity. I don't have millions of dollars to spend but I think it's possible to create products that make this definition at a cost of near $0. Para parks is here to explain how to do this
The concept of para parks is to leverage the ability of your smartphone to offer park-goers an incredibly large number of apps that can be enjoyed in a park so that there will always be an activity in a park to meet your own personal special needs.
to transform an ordinary exclusive park into an inclusive Harrah Park , a Parks Department simply needs to hang a large sign like the one below in the park
placing a sign like this in a park will allow a person with special needs who owns a smartphone to access activities the sign will offer hyperlinks to several databases of apps for people with special needs
from wherever you are now point your smartphone camera at this sign alternatively click on the link below
bridging apps about bridging apps https://bridgingapps.org/about/
this website is a browse tool the special-needs apps. the apps listed in it or not reviewed in anyway ,
. the virtual Park House is a browsing tool for smartphone apps.
a park does not have to be an outdoor park some people are homebound and most of the above items can be used both in an outdoor and indoor park setting.
there are people who are homebound and don't get to go to outdoor parks. Virtual reality headsets allow indoor spaces to be transformed into outdoor spaces. in conjunction to spoony VR we put together a database setlist accessibility features of many Oculus Quest virtual reality programs