Friday, August 19, 2022

101 Ways to have fun for people with special needs or Play comes in many different flavor

Food come in many different flavors , a cherry has one type of wonderful flavor , an orange another , garlic another , ice cream another. each of us has our own different Food flavors . I might suggest a specific food for you but I have no idea if that food would be a flavor you really enjoy

Play comes in many different flavors also and I have no idea what play activities have the flavors that you like . So what I'm doing here is offering you a smorgasbord of flavors and I leave it to you to find the flavors that are your favorites

most parks don't offer a lot of activities for people with special needs. If your Park has this sign posted , they are committed to making sure there are activities available to you no matter what your special needs.

this webpage will give you access to smartphone apps that you can use to have fun in this park. No smartphone ? no problem this webpage shows  101 Ways to have fun without a smartphone

Smartphone Apps for People with Special needs...

Bridging Apps goal is to provide caregivers and professionals with the best resources for choosing apps to enhance everyday life for people with disabilities 


click on this link for their database of apps for people with special needs

Special needs apps browser

this website Virtual Parkhouse  is a browse tool the special-needs apps. the apps listed in it or not reviewed in anyway ,


Virtual Parkhouse

this link allows for the browsing of smartphone apps stores.

some organizations affiliated with special needs have listed apps they feel little useful for those neds





 Play for the homebound


there are people who are homebound and don't get to go to outdoor parks. Virtual reality headsets allow indoor spaces to be transformed into outdoor spaces. 

in conjunction with spoony VR we put together a database list of accessibility features of many Oculus Quest virtual reality programs

Alzheimers x

 no text picture books Focusing on books made for adults and older adults. Whether it's a coloring book for the mother who needs to rela...