The average adult spends / 22 hours per day indoors.
Children today spend less time outdoors than any other generation, devoting only four to seven minutes to unstructured outdoor play per day while spending an average of seven and a half hours in front of electronic media
I live in New York City the model for special needs Park design in my city is to create fixed special needs play objects that exist in a specific space. Unfortunately this design philosophy is not able to meet the needs of everybody special needs
Smartphones allow for the creation of special needs play objects that can be used in most any outdoor space. If Parks departments start to create and share special needs apps that could be used in outdoor spaces then there could be a wealth Outdoor activities for people with special needs available in short order.
I intend to contact people in my city to start to get these apps created. If you're interested and getting your City on board with this idea give me a holler and let's talk.
The smartphone apps list is not outdoors centric here are some apps for outdoors that can be used to have fun for people with special needs
A starter ilst of Outdoor app ideas for people with special needs
Watching videos
Sharks in the park Magic Playground
Kindle reader
Bard reader
Magical Park
media consumption
audio books
story walks
A lot of the apps listed are used in either indoor outdoor spaces. Here are some ideas for apps better outdoor based
magical Park
Zombie Run
the walk
Pokemon go
glitcher vr
BigMagnify Free is a pretty cool app that lets you get up close to nature! Though not an exclusive outdoor app, it can be used anywhere. Use it to look more closely at bugs, leaves, and well anything else you want to get really close too.
kids outdoors apps google search
BigMagnify Free is a pretty cool app that lets you get up close to nature! Though not an exclusive outdoor app, it can be used anywhere. Use it to look more closely at bugs, leaves, and well anything else you want to get really close too.